B²: “ID, please?”

Game on! Last night, the primary process got real. With Iowa’s votes in the history books, and New Hampshire and South Carolina and (you fill in the blank) around the corner, the rhetoric between candidates and the public is about to heat up…including cries of “voter fraud!” If 2000 isn’t reminder enough, just look to North […]

B²: “I’m not a socialist!”

If this had been Hillary Clinton’s answer when repeatedly asked by MSNBC’s Chris Matthews if she considers herself a “socialist” like Bernie Sanders, newspaper headlines, panels of pundits, and Twitter would’ve easily defined the fall out. Instead she said, “I’m a progressive Democrat who likes to get things done and who believes we’re better off […]

B²: Debate Attacks

People attack when they’re scared. Enter Donald Trump and his admission during last Thursday night’s GOP debate that the focus on Cruz’s citizenship was a direct result of Cruz “doing a little bit better” in the polls. While many praised Cruz for defending himself, at least 7 minutes were devoted to a back-and-forth between Trump […]

B²: SOTU and Executive Action

Executive actions/orders/overreach are kinda President Obama’s thing. If he doesn’t like how Congress acts (or fails to act), he’ll go it alone. As he said in last week’s press conference, “Until we have the Congress that’s in line with the majority of Americans, there are actions within my legal authority that we can take to […]

B²: Predicting 2016

Welcome to 2016! Not only is it a brand new year, but we’ve officially entered election season. Whether the days and months leading up to November 8th seem exciting or torturous (or a little of both), the flurry of campaigning, debating, and primary voting can easily change the focus of media questions, specifically in reference […]