B²: Holiday Dinner Table

The holidays are prime time for miscommunication. Whether the topic of conversation is the Syrian refugee crisis, Obama’s strategy (or lack there of) to combat ISIS, Donald Trump’s seeming popularity, or every other issue related to the 2016 election cycle, there’s much more than the weather to discuss this Thanksgiving. Even SNL said so this past […]

B²: Paris and Climate Change

All eyes are focused on Paris. In the weeks and months to come, the world will watch and pray as the City of Light recovers and begins to move forward in the wake of Friday’s attacks. Part of the movement forward will be highlighted later this month as leaders from across the world, including President Obama, […]

B²: 2016 – Persona vs. Policy

The saga that is the 2016 Presidential Race continues this week in the form of two debates – one Republican, one Democrat. Both sides anticipate narrowing down the field in order to name someone “nominee,” but the media chatter is ripe for distraction. We’ve heard a lot about Rubio’s finances, Jeb Bush’s reset button in […]

B²: CNBC vs. the GOP

If there was any doubt the mainstream media leans left, last week’s GOP debate proved it. Barbs thrown by the moderators, including a question to Rubio about whether he hates his day job and the comparison of Trump to a comic book character, left both GOP supporters and some left-leaning news outlets criticizing CNBC. In […]

B²: Clinton vs. Gowdy

Last Friday’s headlines told the same story – in the matchup at the Benghazi hearings, Republicans lost and Hillary won. Though a possible indictment by the FBI will diminish cries of “victory,” the calm, cool, and collected Hillary Clinton who sat on the other side of Republican finger pointing for 11 hours did a whole […]