
B²: King v. Burwell

Washington attorneys aren’t alone in their efforts to gear up for another round of oral arguments before the Supreme Court.  Communicators everywhere are realizing that most Americans aren’t aware the Court will once again be deciding how the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or ObamaCare, affects them.

We are experiencing déjà vu since the case has potential to decide the future of the law. We eagerly await the moment when news correspondents flood down the steps to report bits of news, guessing at what the Justices are thinking.  But, we’ve learned to refrain from predicting what the Supreme Court will do.

This time, the Court will be looking at how the government may provide subsidies to people buying health insurance through the federal exchanges the law created.

It’s complicated, but the B² team is here to help you wade through the complexity and get to your simple message.  We expect questions that are loaded with phrases such as “take away,” and “eliminating.”  So how do you avoid the trap of a messaging position in apparent support leaving people high and dry, especially those who are struggling to pay for healthcare?  That message would make you seem callous to the concerns of Americans sitting at their kitchen tables everywhere.

Good thing it’s Tuesday, B² day.

Here is this week’s likely media question and the B² (block and bridge) that sets the narrative straight:

Q: “The Supreme Court is deciding whether or not those on federal exchanges can “take away”/“eliminate” subsidies.  If the Court rules that these subsidies aren’t adhering to the law, how will these people pay for healthcare?”

: “That is a concern.  And while we agree that healthcare should be of high quality and affordable, that isn’t what we are seeing.  What’s happening is Americans are being taxed even more to be able to offset the high costs of insurance premiums. <insert talking point>.”

Wherever you take the conversation next, realize that saying, “we need to eliminate subsidies” or anything in that vein makes it sound like you want to make it harder for low-income individuals to pay for insurance.

Instead, first find common ground and then talk about whether or not it’s lawful for Americans to be taxed more to pay for the inflated costs of health care.  Then, move to your talking point on a solution to get to quality, affordable health care.

B²: Patriotism and War Powers

Do you love America? That’s one media question you wouldn’t expect to leave you flat-footed. Radio hosts around the nation are asking our leaders their opinion on the president’s patriotism following Rudy Giuliani’s salvo on the subject. The B² team noticed that some have found themselves on their heels (no names!).

Red State reported how Sen. Marco Rubio came out clean on this non-winner of a question:

“Democrats aren’t asked to answer every time Joe Biden says something embarrassing, so I don’t know why I should answer every time a Republican does. I’ll suffice it to say that I believe the president loves America; I think his ideas are bad.”

The B² team anticipates journalists will ask questions coupling the president’s love for America with the current debate in Congress over when and how America should go to war against a growing global terrorist threat.

Our political leaders are making decisions about whether to commit tens of thousand of troops, air strikes, and/or proxy warfare. These decisions are not light ones: they have the potential to shape U.S. foreign policy for the next decade, and will require American blood and money. What is patriotic is to effectively combat terrorism.

If you stumble in a media interview question about our political leaders’ patriotic commitment to dealing with ISIS, you could be called an Islamaphobe, a bigot, a weak leader, or worst of all… unpatriotic. That’s not your message.

Good thing it’s Tuesday, B² day.

Here is this week’s likely media question and the B² (block and bridge) that sets the narrative straight:

Q1: When and how should America beat ISIS? Wouldn’t it be unpatriotic to commit troops when it will only inflame ISIS and feed more violent extremism?

Q2: When and how should America beat ISIS? Wouldn’t it be unpatriotic to fail to commit troops because Americans can’t sustain a long war and it won’t work?

: America has always stood for defending the natural rights of women and men to enjoy life and liberty. ISIS oppresses people, denies their human rights, and silences dissent. This – terrorism – is what we are fighting. That’s real patriotism. What’s most important is to stop it, and this is how <insert talking point>.

Wherever you take the conversation next, realize that “patriotism” and “policy” are different. Your implementation of policy may seem patriotic to you, but take the extra three seconds in your sound bite to explain why. Use your next answer to explain the policy nuance. Don’t get caught in an ad hominem attack that makes you look weak. Keep your eye on the ball – preventing another terrorist attack.

B² the Government Shutdown

As the arctic cold lingers around Washington D.C. this week, another deep freeze settles in on Capitol Hill.

Whatever your stance, two things are true:

  1. The average American doesn’t like government shutdowns; and
  2. Democrats will blame Republicans, especially since they control both houses of Congress.

So as the clock ticks and the deadline of February 27th approaches, how should you respond to questions about the standoff?

Good thing it’s Tuesday, B2 day.

Here is this week’s likely media question and the B2 (block and bridge) that sets the narrative straight:

Q: “The deadline is quickly approaching. Are you willing to let DHS funding run out and, therefore, threaten the safety of the American people?”

B²: “We need to do whatever we can to make sure the Department of Homeland Security has the funding it needs to keep us safe. In order to guarantee the funding we must <insert talking point>.”

Whatever your talking point is, avoid the word “shutdown” and verbs that imply you are “forcing” this situation. And, avoid using Washington acronyms (DHS), even if your interviewer does.

Instead, emphasize that the safety of the American people is the priority and then follow up with solutions to secure the funding.

B² the Budget

President Barack Obama laid out his $4 trillion budget proposal last week. In response, the GOP took advantage of Groundhog Day and cried “more of the same.”

The true messaging test for the GOP will come when Republicans submit their own budget. It’s easy to pan a lackluster proposal with the help of a Bill Murray movie (great movie, btw), but to defend a budget with deep cuts…? Unpopular cuts? Well, that’s another story.

Good thing it’s Tuesday. B2 day.

Here is this week’s likely media question and the B2 (block and bridge) that sets the narrative straight:

Q: “You’re proposing cuts to entitlements. How can you suggest this when people are struggling to make ends meet?”

A: “People are struggling out there. And, if we want to protect the safety net for those people, we must reform entitlements. That starts with <insert talking point>.”

Whatever talking point you insert, start by acknowledging the victim in their question. If you skip over the human element and move straight to a policy position, you sound like you don’t care.

Also, avoid words and phrases that bring life to their narrative. Don’t use “cut” or “eliminate,” instead talk about “reform.” People don’t like cuts, but they do like reform.

You’ve got this one.

B²: Wait. Net Neutrality isn’t fair?

In November, President Obama argued in support of Net Neutrality. He claimed that not enacting these regulations would, “threaten to end the internet as we know it.”

Those are pretty big words.

The FCC is likely to rule on the fate of the internet this month, and the rhetoric is heating up again. Proponents of Net Neutrality are claiming that it is all in the name of “fairness,” “openness,” and, well, “neutrality.”

You could get trapped in an interview with those words. Good thing it’s Tuesday, B² day.

Here is this week’s likely media question and the B² (block & bridge) that sets the narrative straight:

Q:  “Net Neutrality is about keeping the internet free and open. Don’t you support leveling the playing field for all?”

B²:  “Unfortunately, that’s not the case. The opposite is happening.  This is actually the government dictating the rules of the internet, which will <insert talking point>.

Your choice of talking points could include:

… Result in an unfair tax increase on the middle class, costing internet users $15 billion in total;

… Create unfair regulations that stifle innovation; or

… Hinder small start ups from entering into that marketplace.

But wherever you take the conversation next, use words and phrases that paint the picture that government intervention is harmful to the internet.

In other words, your opponents are using words that poll in their favor. So, refrain from using the phrase, “Net Neutrality.”  Do reclaim “fair” and “open” language to your advantage!

Trump’s building what? How to B² the border bill in the real world

Donald Trump made some interesting statements about border security on last night’s “On the Record.”

Video: “I build the best buildings, walls are easy. And believe me, I would build a wall that is not penetrable.”

The soundbite is making news for all the wrong reasons. While The Donald may love to take a no-holds-barred approach, his message doesn’t resonate with a broad audience. The question is, how do you realistically respond to tough questions without alienating friends and foes?

Lucky for you, it is Tuesday.  B² day.  We’re focused on the Border Bill’s potential media messaging pitfalls.

Journalists are bound to ask questions that pit colleagues against one another leading up to Wednesday’s vote. The next B² is written to help you and your boss lead the way through a thorny message trap.

Q: “This bill doesn’t seem to make anyone happy. Can there be a consensus or is this leading to another GOP debacle?”

B²: “Where we can agree is that securing our borders is essential, especially as terrorism remains an ever-growing threat, but for any bill to move forward we must <insert talking point>.”

Whatever your position, don’t take the bait and make a GOP fight the news story. Start with common ground and then insert your talking point on immigration. Finding common ground is the best way to diffuse a hostile question and take the interview back to what the interview should be about – your message.

Announcing B-Squared!

DMG is launching a new, free service to help DMG’s friends anticipate tough questions and respond in a way that isn’t career ending. We call it , “Block and Bridge.”  If you are familiar with DMG’s methods, you’ll recognize it immediately.

Here’s how it works: We’ll monitor the news, inform you of the trickiest questions, and provide the best answers. Getting to your talking point is often the toughest part, so we’re here to provide the bridge from question to answer.

Every month we’ll focus on a new topic. This month’s theme is leadership, in honor of the new Congress (of course).

Possible question:

  • Why did you vote to choke off funding for the President’s immigration orders? Aren’t you picking an unnecessary political fight?

Whatever your talking point, we suggest this B²:

  • My vote reflected what I’ve been hearing from Americans all across this country, who believe that elected officials, even those in the highest office, should follow the laws of our land. And my focus moving forward will be to <insert talking point >

The key? Don’t use the negative wording in the question. Don’t use “choke off” or “picking an unnecessary fight.” Those words/phrases don’t position you well. Rephrase your answer so you say who you are and what you support. You want your answers to be positive, not negative.

We’ll continue the leadership series and post a new  every Tuesday at 3pm ET here in January. Like or Follow us for post alerts.

Next month, we’ll get ahead of questions about the nation’s budget to help you  questions back home.  Let us know how we’re doing or if you have questions you’d like answered.