Trump’s building what? How to B² the border bill in the real world
Donald Trump made some interesting statements about border security on last night’s “On the Record.”
The soundbite is making news for all the wrong reasons. While The Donald may love to take a no-holds-barred approach, his message doesn’t resonate with a broad audience. The question is, how do you realistically respond to tough questions without alienating friends and foes?
Lucky for you, it is Tuesday. B² day. We’re focused on the Border Bill’s potential media messaging pitfalls.
Journalists are bound to ask questions that pit colleagues against one another leading up to Wednesday’s vote. The next B² is written to help you and your boss lead the way through a thorny message trap.
Q: “This bill doesn’t seem to make anyone happy. Can there be a consensus or is this leading to another GOP debacle?”
B²: “Where we can agree is that securing our borders is essential, especially as terrorism remains an ever-growing threat, but for any bill to move forward we must <insert talking point>.”
Whatever your position, don’t take the bait and make a GOP fight the news story. Start with common ground and then insert your talking point on immigration. Finding common ground is the best way to diffuse a hostile question and take the interview back to what the interview should be about – your message.
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