B² School Choice in Your State
School choice is a state-level fight that is quickly becoming a federal concern.
Lawmakers in Austin are now debating a bill that would provide the most comprehensive school choice plan in the nation to more than five million Texas public school students.
The B² news analysis team believes this bill has the potential to gain further national media attention and will no doubt be framed by unions and opponents as “anti-teacher” and “anti-public school.”
Combine the national spotlight and the inevitable spin with the confusion surrounding the issue (see The Heritage Foundation’s handy glossary and state-by-state map here to get a handle on what’s happening in your state) and…well, you better know what to say.
Good thing it’s Tuesday, B² day.
Here’s this week’s likely media question and the B² (block and bridge) that sets the narrative straight:
Q: “If you are taking money away from traditional public schools, won’t that hurt them further?”
B²: “What we find is that all schools improve, including traditional public schools, when funding follows the child instead of a school building. Just look at <insert talking point>.”
Wherever you take the conversation next, avoid demonizing traditional public schools and/or teachers. Instead, focus on the possibility of choice to improve all schools and thus lead to a better educational environment for everyone. Remember, a child’s zip code shouldn’t determine whether or not they receive a quality education.
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