
B²: All the hysteria

President Trump has occupied the Oval Office for 17 days and the hysteria only seems to be increasing.

Is this our new normal? Hard to say. The riots at UC Berkeley don’t inspire confidence to the contrary.

But amidst the hysteria, it’s important to remember that one of the things that makes America great is the ability to PEACEFULLY protest. And for every $100,000 in damages reported, there are a far greater number of peaceful protests to notice.

So how do you respond to a mainstream media that wants to direct your attention to the latest dumpster fire?

Good thing it’s Tuesday, B² day.

Here’s this week’s likely question and the B² (block and bridge) that sets the narrative straight:

Q: “The riots at UC Berkeley have caused $100,000 in damages. Is this the new normal we can come to expect during the Trump presidency?”

B²: “No. What happened at UC Berkeley is outrageous and should be condemned, but it’s important to uphold the right to protest peacefully as it gives voice to the opposition. <Insert talking point about freedom of speech and the importance of listening to those you disagree with>.”

Wherever you take the conversation next, uphold the right to peaceably assemble as an effective means to show disagreement. Both sides seem to agree that what happened at UC Berkeley should be condemned and does nothing to bridge the gap, so there’s your common ground to start. But if you’re interested in upping your talking point game, immediately pivot to the importance of peaceful protests as a good and necessary part of what makes America great.

B²: First 100 Days

Christmas Vacation, why ya gotta end?

But alas, it has. If you didn’t return to work last week, you did this week. Let’s ease back into the crazy with the good news first – 2016 is finished. We did it!

Now for the real news…all that happened in 2016 is ready to play out in 2017, and the world is watching. Cue the fast-approaching first 100 days of the Trump Administration.

(Taking guesses for the number of times the phrase “first 100 days” is mentioned between now and April 29. We’ll start: 235 million.)

All that to say, you better prepare to field questions and talk about what has been promised, what you hope to see, and calm down the Chicken Littles in the process.

Good thing it’s Tuesday, B² day.

Here’s this week’s likely media question and the B² (block and bridge) that sets the narrative straight:

Q: “What do you think the first 100 days will look like?”

B²: “Donald Trump made a lot of promises, and it’s important to hold him accountable. But we also have to wait and see what moves the new administration makes. What I hope to see <insert talking point>.”

Wherever you take the conversation next – Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, EPA regulations, the UN and Israel, TPP, immigration, etc. – manage expectations. Remind people that we have to let the first 100 days play out, but also we have to hold the president-elect and his administration accountable as they make moves. It’s a careful balance achieved via reasonable conversation on both sides of the aisle.

After all, there will be lots more “100-days” in the next four years.