B²: Planned Parenthood (Take 2)
With the promised release of more investigative videos by the Center for Medical Progress, and the looming budget deadline at the end of the month, the discussion over Planned Parenthood and taxpayer funds will continue to make headlines. In the next couple weeks, “defund” is the name of the game.
This perfect storm makes for a news cycle rife with questions about the politics behind it all and can easily create a narrative that pits those who support life against those who support abortion.
But there is common ground – taxpayer funds!
Should abortions that lead to the selling of organs for a profit, many times without the full knowledge of the woman, be backed by taxpayers? It’s a question Planned Parenthood so desperately wants to spin.
While the media has packaged this fight into another battle in the “War on Women,” it’s anything but. Do you know how to take back the message and champion a winning narrative?
Good thing it’s Tuesday, B² day.
Here is this week’s likely media question and the B² (block and bridge) that sets the narrative straight:
Q: “Why are you attacking Planned Parenthood by demanding their funding be eliminated?”
B²: “This is about making sure taxpayer funds for health care are directed towards accessible, quality care, something women are not currently receiving at Planned Parenthood. <Insert talking point>.”
Whether you talk about the twenty comprehensive care clinics for every one Planned Parenthood clinic, or the fact that Planned Parenthood isn’t licensed to perform mammograms, stick to common ground. A serious discussion about comprehensive health care for women and how it is funded should result. That’s a winning strategy.