Tag Archive for: Pakistan

B²: Terror Attacks

The tragic events of the last 7 days are too familiar. We’ve now witnessed 4 separate attacks in 4 months. From Paris to San Bernardino to Brussels to Pakistan, the world continues to unite with and mourn for those affected, as well as talk about how to prevent similar attacks in the future.

But with Obama’s tone deaf response…

…and a presidential candidate’s knee-jerk declaration to build a wall, ban Muslims, and waterboard, reporters can easily steer you away from a constructive policy conversation to defeat ISIS.

If you plan to focus on policy rather than the politician, do you know how to remain above the fray and offer a way forward?

Good thing it’s Tuesday, B² day.

Here is this week’s likely media question and the B² (block and bridge) that sets the narrative straight:

Q: “We’ve witnessed 4 terrorist attacks in 4 months. Do you agree with Donald Trump on how we deal with this?”

B²: “I don’t and here’s why – while it is true that we need to remain vigilant at home, the best way to prevent future attacks here is to have a clear strategy to combat ISIS over there. We need to <insert talking point>.”

Wherever you take the conversation next, shift the focus from politician to policy. True, it is fair game to call out responses that are less than helpful (cc: Obama and Trump), but the middle ground remains wide open. Occupy it. No matter your foreign policy, now is the time to have a serious discussion about how to keep the American people safe and prevent future attacks on our soil.