
B²: Gun Control

The frequency of mass shootings and terrorist attacks are increasing. Orlando is the latest, and many pray the last.

But the Obama Administration’s obvious (and very bad) case of denial is making it difficult to have the right conversation in the media about how to avoid future tragedies. Obama himself would rather cling to gun control as the best preventative measure when very real ties to Islamic terrorism are the common denominator between the San Bernardino and Orlando shooters.

With the media and administration driving the “guns are bad!” narrative, how can you change the conversation and elevate Islamic terrorism as the number one talking point?

Good thing it’s Tuesday, B² day.

Here is this week’s likely media question and the B² (block and bridge) that sets the narrative straight:

Q: “<Insert question about gun control>.”

B²: “Gun control laws strip citizens of their only defense in these horrific situations because criminals, and in this case an Islamic terrorist, are going to kill innocent people regardless of what the law says. This is exactly why we need to <insert talking point on defeating Islamic terrorism>.”

Wherever you take the conversation next, acknowledge the senseless tragedy that happened in Orlando and then connect prevention to combating Islamic terrorism, not stricter gun laws; people want solutions, not platitudes. The “guns are bad!” narrative has been propped up for decades and yet the frequency of mass shootings and terrorist attacks have increased. It’s time to have a different conversation.

NOTE: If you are an expert on gun laws, please debate the issue rather than pivot to Islamic terrorism. There is room for this discussion, and those who are prepared to have it should have it.

B²: Bathroom Bills and Bullies

On Friday, the Federal Government said more than just “employees must wash their hands.”

In case you missed it, a letter was signed, sealed, and delivered by the Obama Administration to every public school district threatening lawsuits and/or loss of funding if transgender students aren’t allowed to use the bathroom of their chosen gender identity.

Even if you never expect to answer questions about bathroom bills, the federal government’s mantra of “comply or lose funding” is a dangerous precedent. Some may even call it blackmail.

From immigration to EPA regulations to bathroom bills, do you know how to talk about abuse of executive power?

Good thing it’s Tuesday, B² day.

Here is this week’s likely media question and the B² (block and bridge) that sets the narrative straight:

Q: “What do you think about the bathroom bills?”

B²: “This is a complicated issue, and there is a lot to discuss in order to arrive at the best solution. But the Obama administration prefers to cut that conversation short (as he’s done with other issues), which is why… <insert talking point>.”

Wherever you take the conversation next, focus on the federal overreach and bullying tactics of the Obama Administration first. Doing so will enable you to have the right conversation – states know better than bureaucrats how to address the concerns of their citizens.