Tag Archive for: abortion clinics

B²: SCOTUS and Abortion

As the Running of the Interns confirmed yesterday, the Supreme Court struck down a Texas abortion law that required (among other things) abortion clinics to meet the same health standards as surgical centers.

Some immediately rejoiced…

…while others acknowledged the defeat for what it is – the Supreme Court not only ignored due process, but made it clear that courts—not state legislatures—have the power to determine abortion laws.

So, the fight continues. Especially as November nears and Hillary leads the charge for the Democrats. Women’s health will remain a key talking point on both platforms. Get ready to rumble.

Do you know how to articulate your message in the midst of the firestorm?

Good thing it’s Tuesday, B² day.

Here is this week’s likely media question and the B² (block and bridge) that sets the narrative straight:

Q: “Why do you want to shut down abortion facilities that provide and protect women’s health?”

B²: “This decision took away the ability to protect women’s health. When Planned Parenthood clinics routinely fail to meet the same safety and health requirements as hospitals, the opposite happens: women’s health is put at risk. Women deserve (insert talking point>.”

Wherever you take the conversation next, maintain that protecting women’s health is your #1 concern…and the Supreme Court just made that goal a lot more difficult to achieve. Cite Kermit Gosnell and the disgusting state of his clinic as example numero uno of what you hope to prevent. Though some (and the mainstream media) will want to make it seem like you’re just out to end abortion (and maybe you are), control the narrative. Talk about women’s health on your terms.