B²: The Public Option
In what seems to be a surprise to no one – including Dems – ObamaCare is struggling.
In an effort to explain away its issues, the president has diagnosed his signature legislation with growing pains and likened it to a starter home and the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 (that can’t stop, won’t stop blowing up). “Interesting” comparisons that offer little relief to those affected by ObamaCare’s failure.
Please try again.
But here we are. Today marks the first day of open enrollment for healthcare coverage in 2017, premiums are rumored to increase by 25%, and the only solution offered up by those who voted for ACA is the public option. In other words, let’s rely more heavily on government to fix a government problem.
No thanks.
While questions about ObamaCare are ripe for the picking this week, it’s good to have a strategy to articulate how devastating ObamaCare has been. But how do you develop a good response to pro-ObamaCare questions instead of just simply saying, “I told you so?”
Good thing it’s Tuesday, B² day.
Here is this week’s likely media question and the B² (block and bridge) that sets the narrative straight:
Q: “With frustration nation-wide about ObamaCare’s rising premium costs, shouldn’t we consider pursuing a public option?”
B²: “Absolutely not. The public option actually doubles down on the failures of ObamaCare. And here’s what we know doesn’t work…<insert talking point>.”
Wherever you take the conversation next, talk about ObamaCare’s failure as reason numero uno to back away from a public option. Because Dems agree that ObamaCare isn’t working as it should, use that point of agreement to establish common ground. Then, pivot to a better solution that doesn’t include government interference.
If all else fails? Just call it the “craziest thing in the world.” Worked for Bill Clinton, right?
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