B²: “Does this make me look fat??”
‘Tis that time again for all things chocolate and love and #RelationshipGoals.
But what seems like a joyous occasion can take a dark turn if you’re confronted with (and fumble) the question: “does this make me look fat??”
Yikes. Not a question anyone wants to answer honestly. So, how do you remain truthful and not devastate the asker?
Good thing it’s Tuesday, Valentine’s Day AND B² day.
Here’s this week’s likely question from your significant other and the B² (block and bridge) that keeps you off the couch and/or out of the dog house:
Q: “Does this <insert article of clothing> make me look fat?”
B²: “You are stunning. I really love that (color/style/neckline – element of clothing not related to size) on you. <Insert how beautiful she is for all the reasons>.”
Guys, wherever you take the conversation next, do not pass go, do not collect $200, DO NOT ANSWER THE QUESTION. It’s a trap. You actually can’t answer this question as presented and win. You have to block and bridge. Don’t you dare let your ego tell you otherwise. Just accept that this is a trap and answer as we’ve instructed.
Ladies, give your guy a break and listen to what he says, not what he doesn’t say. You’ve put him in a terrible position by asking this question because he either has to lie or tell the truth, neither of which we want to hear, tbh.
Happy Valentine’s Day!