Tag Archive for: tv interviews

Skype Studio Setup

With most TV interviews being done via Skype to protect against the spread of coronavirus, here’s how we recommend you set up an at-home studio to guarantee the best lighting, audio, and background.

  • For the best lighting: sit so the light (natural or in-door) is shining towards your face and not the back of your head.
  • For the best angle: place your computer on a table or stack of books on a table so the camera is eye level.
  • For the best background: make sure the objects behind you are appropriate and well placed. A bookshelf is always a good option.
  • For the best audio: use AirPods. Producers are requesting that guests use AirPods because they eliminate feedback and guarantee the best audio quality.

Working with Producers

TV hits are weird and wonderful, but a little scary if you’ve never done one. Over the next several weeks, we want to demystify the process by outlining every step. Let’s start at the beginning with how you can prepare for the interview and what to expect from the producer.

Here are the top 5 things to know:

#1 – The producer will reach out to you a couple hours before your hit via email– they will include the topic, but not the questions.

#2 – Once you know the topic, it’s likely the producer will expect you to respond with your point of view. We suggest you not offer too many details– no need to write out your talking points verbatim and hit “send.” Please know that if you include a clever phrase or two, the host may use it in their intro to your segment. If you’d like to use that clever phrase on air, refrain from including it in your email.

#3 – The topic is subject to change, so be flexible.

#4 – If the producer offers car service, accept. This way you don’t have to worry about parking your car or navigating public transportation.

#5 – Thank you notes are not just appropriate for good hospitality and job interviews, they can also get you invited back for future TV hits.