Tag Archive for: reversal

B²: “Some form of punishment”

It’s not brand new information that Donald Trump rarely offers a detailed policy proposal – his audience doesn’t demand it. And so, he often makes statements that seem brash or exaggerated or unfair without consequence.

But in a town hall last week, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews didn’t let Trump off easy. The result? Trump closed out the worst week of his campaign by stating that women who undergo abortions should receive “some form of punishment.” Thanks to the 24-hour news cycle that just won’t quit, we’ve all heard Trump’s answer and his almost-immediate reversal over and over and over again.

Whether his misstep on abortion will influence voters in Wisconsin today or New York in 2 weeks remains to be seen. But one thing is for sure, the pro-life movement will be made to answer for Trump’s answer as long as he’s a candidate. What will you say?

Good thing it’s Tuesday, B² day.

Here is this week’s likely media question and the B² (block and bridge) that sets the narrative straight:

Q: “Donald Trump (a self-proclaimed pro-lifer) thinks that woman should be punished if abortion is made illegal. As someone who also claims to be pro-life, do you agree?”

B²: “Donald Trump doesn’t represent the pro-life movement and is wrong. He’s proven time and again that he doesn’t want to have a serious discussion about major policy issues. What we need to do is <insert talking point>.”

Wherever you take the conversation next, don’t give any airtime to Trump’s answer. Instead, remind the media that he often makes outlandish and incorrect statements. His most recent eyebrow raising sound bite is no different. Then, pivot to your talking points to focus on the unborn as well as the mother, who often feels like she has no hope. To secure a win-win, craft a narrative that considers both lives.