Tag Archive for: North Carolina

B²: Religious Liberty

Religious liberty is having a moment.

Amidst the chaotic election chatter, this fundamental American right is rising above and demanding its voice be heard.

States like Mississippi and North Carolina have voted to defend religious liberty; Georgia’s governor vetoed a bill that would’ve offered similar protections to its citizens; and the Supreme Court just heard oral arguments on the Little Sisters of the Poor case.

And now all must deal with the consequences – PayPal halted construction of its global operations center in NC, Bruce Springsteen and Bryan Adams have canceled concerts, the NBA has threatened to pull the 2017 All-Star Game out of Charlotte, and the list goes on.

The fallout will continue and voices on both sides of the issue will only get louder and prouder. If your aim is to defend religious liberty, how do you field questions from the media about the various bills and court cases without giving into a shouting match and/or being labeled anti-LGBT, anti-woman, or intolerant? It’s a tightrope to walk.

Good thing it’s Tuesday, B² day.

Here is this week’s likely media question and the B² (block and bridge) that sets the narrative straight:

Q: “Aren’t you discriminating against the LGBT community?”

B²: “Not at all. This is about the government discriminating against people of faith. If we believe in a “live and let live” society, we must <insert talking point>.”

Wherever you take the conversation next, refocus the narrative on the true point of conflict – government coercion. Even if you personally disagree with someone’s religious beliefs or practices, there is common ground in the idea that America should be a “live and let live” society. If you can establish a point of agreement and then bridge to a talking point that spotlights the people you defend, you’ve got a winning message.