Tag Archive for: non-profit

B²: “Who are you endorsing?”

This primary season has been crazy, unpredictable, and (insert adjective of choice) to say the least. And many say that today – Super Tuesday – is the day that will decide who the eventual GOP nominee is.

As this season comes to a close and the general election heats up, the media will want to know (and maybe demand?) that you endorse a candidate. DMG is here to tell you that endorsements are tricky and you can take your sweet time if you want. Also, please consider your tax status.

If you’re asked to make an endorsement and/or if you endorse (insert candidate’s name), do you know how to respond comfortably…and legally?

Good thing it’s Tuesday, B² day.

Here is this week’s likely media question and the B² (block and bridge) that sets the narrative straight:

Q: “Are you endorsing (insert candidate’s name)?” or “Who are you endorsing in the 2016 race for the White House?”

B² for non-profits: “As a non-profit, our focus is policy. I’ll leave the endorsements to the political folks. But one issue that the next President will have to focus on is <insert talking point>.”

B² for everyone else: “Not at this time. We’re in a heated primary, and the voters should have their say first. But whoever wins the primary, will have to focus on <insert talking point>.”

Wherever you take the conversation next, don’t feel pressure to name names, especially if you’re a non-profit. Blocking and bridging to important issues is always a win-win, so feel free to declare your non-endorsement and then pivot to an issue-related talking point. First and foremost, protect your tax status. And if you are able to endorse, make sure you do so on your terms.