How to avoid speculation
Much has been made about the timing of a big legislative victory for Republicans before the 2018 midterms. Will tax reform be that victory?
President Trump certainly hopes so – remember that one time he asked for a bill by Thanksgiving?
Because no one knows for sure what will happen or when, you’re left to speculate if asked about a timeline. But don’t give in!
Here’s how we recommend you respond. Hint: remain hopeful.
Q: “Will the GOP get tax reform done by the end of the year?”
A: “I can’t speculate on a timeline, but I am hopeful that Americans will finally get a tax break. <Insert talking point.>”
Wherever you take the conversation next, emphasize all the reasons you think tax reform should pass, not whether it will pass. And remain hopeful in your response. Tax reform is a good and necessary move, and we want to emphasize that message whenever we’re asked about it.
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