How to not be Dick Morris

If you haven’t seen the news by now, Dick Morris’s recent Newsmax interview was interrupted by a man wearing only boxer shorts and an undershirt. It’s clear the man didn’t know Dick was doing a live interview at the time, and neither party acknowledged the surprise appearance when it happened. So, how do you avoid […]

New Year, New Studio

Happy New Year! 2024 is the perfect time to finally set up that home studio you’ve had on your to-do list. To help you do so, here are the top three equipment recommendations we regularly send to clients. This small investment makes a big difference to how you look and sound. #1 — Lights Make sure […]

Dress for the Job You Have

Given the recent news about a relaxed dress code for Senators on the Senate floor, we at DMG thought it might be helpful to offer a counterpoint — why dressing for success matters. #1 — It helps YOU, by boosting your confidence. You can’t help but feel good about yourself and your abilities when you choose […]

“No comment.”

There are very few times when we recommend you respond to a reporter’s question with “no comment.” But it’s especially poor form when you’re the President of the United States and your citizens are experiencing a total loss of life and livelihood. Instead of “no comment,” here are a few compassionate ways to respond to […]

Should I start with a joke?

When we help clients prepare for a big speech, we often get asked whether it’s a good idea to start with a joke. The client wants to capture the audience’s attention, maybe put himself/herself at ease, appear likable from the start, etc. But we often encourage clients to let go of the joke. From our […]